Just To Make You Smile

Greysen Paige
4 min readMay 26, 2024
AI-Generated Art By Greysen

I walked into my office, and the first thing I noticed was a Tiffany’s Blue envelope. Curious about what could be inside, I quickly opened it. An invitation to a dinner among some of the most admirable we know and know of. I instantly decided we had to go, and I’m confident you’ll be excited about it, too.

Then I notice the date… TONIGHT! How could this have happened? Where did this envelope come from? Questions for another time. I was still determined to make things go right, so I called you immediately. Your voice is concerned and hesitant because I only call if there’s something urgent or an emergency.

Babe? What’s happening?!” I quickly assure you that it’s nothing to worry about, but I was hopeful you were up for a marathon, and I was excited about this event. You said “No worries, I’ll turn around and head home now, pick out a suit for me? I want to look my best!”. This is usually a challenge; I am absolutely not a “fashion gay,” but I know what you look great in, and I’m happy to help.

We met at home, and I picked out an outfit. Despite being in a rush, we had music playing loudly from every speaker in the house to get us pumped up and excited. You took a moment to stand in my way… little 5’8” me can’t effectively walk through big & tall you, and I love it. Especially when you use your size to gently force me to stop, pause, hug you, and breathe…



Greysen Paige

He/Him 🔵 • Executive @ Firebrand 💼 • Formerly @ Apple📱 & Google 🔎 • Eco-Warrior 🌍 • LGBTQIA+ 🏳️‍🌈 •